Duane Dier

Duane Dier

Email: duane@closedloop.systems

Duane Dier is Principal & Cofounder of Strativus Group, a people-focused aerospace leadership company formed in 2021. Strativus Group works to make aerospace engineering projects successful by making their people successful.

Andrew Robertson

Email: andrew@closedloop.systems

For an immediate response, please page me.

Marina Wallis

Marina Wallis

Email: marina@closedloop.systems

Who am I? What contributions will I make? What is my purpose?

Dave Neary

Email: neary@closedloop.systems

I’ve been lucky enough to work on amazing things in my career, but nothing as incredible and fulfilling as helping develop others and seeing them succeed.

Jennifer Minette

Email: jennifer@closedloop.systems

I love to travel ! I also love to plan! Kismet ! My life revolves around planning my and other’s adventures. I also love the study of the Science of Happiness and incorporate that study in my life’s work. I also love my friends and I really love the smart and funny ones.

Jonathan Monroe

Email: monroe@closedloop.systems

Please feel no obligation to do anything with this head shot, at least until I author my first post.

Crystal Francis

Email: crystal@closedloop.systems

I’m into awesome leadership and coffee. Engineer. Realtor. New mom. On console at my home office in Northern California. In my spare time I like travel and be outside. Did I mention I like coffee?

Alex Rospos

Email: rospos@closedloop.systems

“Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.” – Michael Scott

Shannon Kao

Email: shannon@closedloop.systems

Kevin Walton

Email: kevin@closedloop.systems

I am originally from the Northeastern US, but currently reside near the beach in California. I am fascinated by large systems, whether they are natural or human in origin and enjoy employing data analytics as a way of understanding said systems. My hobbies include art, woodworking, and reading.

Cyndi MacDougal

Email: cyndi@closedloop.systems


Chris Birschbach

Email: birschbach@closedloop.systems

Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly up. Disappears! It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don’t know who you’re talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!

Angelia Corbett

Email: angelia@closedloop.systems

Without vision, people perish.

Kathleen Stetson

Email: kathleen@closedloop.systems

Arts hacker. Creator, Hack Music LA. Co-Creator, MIT Hacking Arts.