Focusing on the Goal

From an email I wrote to a team lead…


This is very important.


“What is the Goal?”


That question is your antidote against negative feedback; it is the beacon you must always attend to above any and all distractions and obstacles.


“What is the Goal?”


Are you making decisions that move your team towards the goal?  What is stopping the team?   Do you see anything that is moving your team away from the goal?  Do you see anything impeding their progress, preventing them from moving towards the goal?  That is where you must focus your energy.


“What is the Goal?”


Understand that the role of PM is emotional.  You are not supposed to be a robot.  You are supposed to take things personally – you are supposed to feel good when your team succeeds and you are supposed to feel bad when your team fails.  The trick is to rise above the things that only affect you: Look beyond the arrows hitting you.  You must put the success of your team above your personal goals – that is the way to win.


“What is the Goal?”


Are you getting what I’m saying here?  Of course you are – I know you already know this.  But it is crucial that you build your armor on the foundation of people-focused leadership: You succeed when your team succeeds.  Period.  No ego.  No resume.  No individual gain.  No list of personal accomplishments.  Now is not the time for these small things.


“What is the Goal?”


Focus all of your energy on the success of your team.  Do this and you will be invulnerable to negative influences and personal criticism.  You will not be afraid.  Things are simpler – the path is still very hard but you will not have to worry about knowing which direction you should walk – and you will seldom have to walk alone.