Books We Wrote

Leadership Is About People, The Book!

Leadership Is About People was published in 2020, and seeks to spread the word about People-Focused Leadership.

Buy the print copy at Barnes & Noble, or various eBook formats, like Apple/iPad, Amazon/Kindle, and Barnes & Noble/Nook.

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Books We Should Have Written

The Goal, by Eliyahu M. Goldratt

This novel packs a lot of incredibly useful lessons into a storytelling format. If you haven't read it, you should.

When you're done reading The Goal, read the follow-on novel Critical Chain. Both books do well at ignoring intuition and preconceived notions of management to find a better way to operate.

Creative Confidence, by David Kelley

The founder of Stanford's Design Thinking methods wrote a book about focusing on people to solve problems. Right on!

How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie

In 1936 the self-help book was invented. Help yourself to a reading why don't you!