Announcement: People-Focused Newsletter

It has been two and a half years since we published the book Leadership Is About People. People have bought it and read it and used it to help them succeed. I know this because of some very positive feedback I have received via email, conversations, text chats, and even the occasional five-star review on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. This makes me happy.

What would make me even happier is if more people used the book to help them succeed. To do that I need to spread the word and sell more books. My motivation is not greed. I want to change the world by redefining great leadership to mean bringing out your team’s best work. This is the goal. This idea is what I call People-Focused Leadership. It is not a new idea, but it is powerful.

A couple weeks ago, Duane and I had the surreal experience of purchasing our book in a bookstore. Not virtually, we actually drove to a real bookstore, found the book on a shelf and bought it from a person at the cash register. There is photographic evidence.

Our book on a shelf at Barnes & Noble’s store at Del Amo.
It was in the business section.
Me (Andrew) taking the picture of our book on the shelf.

Duane and I had lunch afterwards and talked about ideas for spreading the word. We came up with a vague plan that included Duane doing a bunch of work, which he did.

  • Duane updated our main website
  • Duane revamped the book’s website
  • Duane set up a mailing list so we could start sending out a Newsletter via email
  • We agreed on some additional steps which are still in work

Now let’s talk about the Newsletter. The goal of the Newsletter is to strengthen communication with a core group of like-minded leaders. Your participation in the mailing-list is under your control: It will not send you content unless you have actively agreed to participate. You can unsubscribe at any time. Content should be sent out every time we can satisfy two conditions: we have something to communicate and we can carve out time to communicate it. We are still figuring some things out, but I am thinking the newsletter would come out 4-8 times per year.

Already convinced? Sign up right now using the form below. This form is available under “Newsletter” so sign-up anytime.

We have always pictured this changing the world thing as bigger than just Duane and Andrew. We want you to get involved. The Newsletter is a step in this direction: It gives you a way to participate that consumes very little of your time while periodically renewing your attention even as we inform you about what we are up to. If you want to get more involved, recommend the book or the websites or the Newsletter to someone who would appreciate it. Give someone your copy of the book or buy them a copy. Post a five-star review.

If you want to get even more involved just contact us, we have lots of plans you can help with or you can add your own plan to the mix. Or if you want to wait, that is fine too. With your permission we will send you the Newsletter periodically to keep you informed about what we are doing to change the world.